Making Money with Short-Term Rentals: Tips for Successful Hosting on Airbnb


Since its start, Airbnb has experienced unmatched growth within its sector. According to Ms. Gunjan Goel, director at Goel Ganga Developments, although there has been some criticism surrounding it, Hosting on Airbnb is largely popular due to the fact that absolutely anybody can offer a spare room on their website. These 10 pointers can help you manage a profitable Airbnb company if you’re thinking of renting out your home, flat, or other property on the website.

1. A Difference Is Made by High-Quality Photos

It is certainly worth the time you spend taking excellent pictures. In order, we should have ten images of your home. Photograph the location, its surroundings, and any facilities to capture their unique personalities. The average quality of the photos on Airbnb’s website has improved noticeably over time, so you might also think about employing a professional photographer. Your listing will stand out from the crowd when you use professional images.

2. Time

If you want to be successful, you must invest a lot of effort in renting out a house on Airbnb. Be prepared to dedicate a chunk of each day to the work. Traditional hotels have the benefit of saving time, as just one contact is necessary to book a hotel stay. In contrast, booking a home through Airbnb necessitates several contacts with the host. As a result, you must continuously pay attention to notifications and be prepared to reply at any time to minimize the length of time that visitors must wait.

3. Initial impressions

Consider the kind of experience you’ll be providing for potential guests as a way to stand out on Airbnb. With so many listings on the internet, hosts who highlight their property’s location advantages—such as surrounding attractions and the kinds of experiences a visitor may have—are likely to get more attention than those who only list the property’s specifics.

4. Personalised Experience

The ideal experience for your visitors depends on your ability to act swiftly, which can also lower the likelihood that they will make a different reservation. When responding to inquiries from potential visitors, having prepared replies might help you save time.

5. Price

It’s more affordable than staying at a hotel, which is one of the primary reasons people rent Airbnb properties. A solid review multiplier effect is essential to successfully managing and earning money from a property, so pricing the listing properly can also enhance the probability of guests submitting one. In addition, hosts may use Airdna, a website created just for hosts, to determine how they can increase their revenue by employing analytics.

6. Response Time

The ideal experience for your visitors depends on your ability to act swiftly, which can also lower the likelihood that they will make a different reservation. When responding to inquiries from prospective visitors, having prepared replies might help you save time.

7. Putting in a Lockbox

Consider adding a smart lock or lockbox to save time for visitors who are running late or experiencing travel delays. The visitors may basically check themselves into their Airbnb home this way, saving the homeowners from having to wait until late at night to hand them their keys.

8. Legalities

The regulations governing Airbnb rentals differ from city to city. For instance, a rule requiring Airbnb hosts to pay an occupancy tax has recently been put into effect in San Francisco, Portland, and Paris. The Multiple Dwelling Law in New York prohibits renting a home for fewer than 30 days while the principal occupant is not there. You must be familiar with the local laws as they apply to your city.

9. Cleaning Service

One way to save money is to clean the property yourself rather than hire a cleaning crew. Some hosts find it advantageous to outsource this work and add a cleaning fee to short-term rentals.

10. Detail

Details are everything for successful hosting. Along with providing the essentials, you should think about providing entertainment for your visitors in the form of board games, novels, movies, and other possibilities. Make sure you have coffee, tea, and condiments in the kitchen as well. While some hosts offer welcome presents, others even have a bottle of wine waiting for visitors when they arrive.


The short-term rental market has changed dramatically as a result of Airbnb. Hosts who have many listings on Airbnb may potentially make five or six figures a year running their business, which may help them supplement their main income. The vast platform of Airbnb may be used in a variety of ways by homeowners or renters, but it may not be appropriate for everyone.


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