Safety tips for reopening society amenities

reopening society amenities

The unprecedented outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic and the nationwide lockdown led all the apartment communities to shut down their common amenities including the play area, swimming pool, clubhouse, and gym to maintain proper safety precautions. With vaccines coming into play and reducing the number of cases in the country, it’s time to get consider re-opening the in-house amenities with safety and caution. Whether these amenities are used or not, it requires proper maintenance especially for gym equipment, swimming pools, and lawn areas. Here are some necessary tips and precautions for safely reopening society amenities back again.

Disinfect the common areas

One of the major ways to keep your society safe is by creating cleaning and disinfecting routine. All the common areas should be hygienic and germ-free regularly. The areas like fitness equipment, pools, sofas, chairs, restrooms, and games areas are some places where viruses can thrive, so they should be regularly disinfected. High-touch surfaces like door handles and light switches demand extra care and maintenance. Follow a schedule and disinfect the premises at least thrice a day to maintain the best hygiene standards.

Install sanitizers in the premises

Sanitizers have become an indispensable part of our lives since the viral outbreak started. There are high chances that the residents can get infected due to using shared amenities. Install a sanitizer dispensary system at the common spaces, every entry, and exit point in the apartment. Encourage all residents and visitors to sanitize their hands frequently.

Switch to the digital platform

Nowadays, almost a majority of people prefer a digital mode of payment is it shopping, paying rent, or paying the monthly maintaining fees. Since cash exchange and cheques can make you prone to various types of viral infections. You can prefer the online mode of payment to avoid any contact. Things like mixers, trivia nights, and games have probably already moved to digital spaces. It’s smart to keep some of these activities online for safety purposes, especially if they’re easy and convenient. So, every society should adopt digital practices to promote a contactless platform.

coronavirus-safety measures

Top-notch security measures

Implementing strict security measures in apartments is the need of the hour due to the increased risk of virus transmission. It is necessary to keep a track of people coming in and out of your society. Timely security checks on the residents whether or not they are following the desired safety precautions are necessary in these times. Make it mandatory for the security personnel to enter the contact details of any visitor in a register. Moreover, ensure that all the visitors are screened before entering the premises. Penalties and fines can also be imposed on regularly misbehaving residents if required.

It is important to follow necessary precautions to keep ourselves safe and secure from infection. Follow these tips for a safe reopening of the apartment amenities, so that the residents can start enjoying the new normal.


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