How A Company’s CSR Activities Benefit Society At Large

As J.R.D TATA, the founder of TATA STEEL, says, ”every company has a special continuing responsibility towards the people of the area in which it is located and in which its employees and their families live.” Most of the companies today have a CSR wing which implements various plans and works towards the betterment of the society. Let’s take a look at the positive impact CSR has on the society at large.


Education: Education plays a crucial role in shaping a society. With educational programs and sponsorships for the under privileged, companies make sure that education reaches in every nook and corner of our country for its bright future.


Environment: One of the major responsibilities of the companies is to work for a safe and better environment. Companies take up activities such as tree planting, awareness programs, street plays, river cleaning and more. These activities contribute to the betterment of our environment and make our planet a better place to live.


Hygiene: Hygiene and sanitation are the most serious issues faced by slum dwellers. Under the CSR activities, companies conduct awareness programmes regarding these issues, work with the local governing body to improve the hygiene situations, sponsor community toilets, etc. When a city is clean, it is more immune to diseases as well.



Employment opportunities: Unemployment often lures youths in the wrong direction, encouraging them to take up criminal activities. Also, empowerment of women is an absolute necessity for the true development of any country. Companies make sure they generate employment opportunities and play an important role in uplifting the ignored the neglected sections of the society.


Goel Ganga Developments, one of the top real estate developers in Pune, has implemented various CSR activities such as sponsoring education of the less privileged children, donating dialysis machines to hospitals, water harvesting, etc.


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