Automotive industry and Pune’s Real Estate

Going by the statistics, it is evident that Pune has been favoured as an ideal city for setting up manufacturing plants by many international and domestic automobile giants. Proximity to the commercial capital of india, Mumbai, conducive climate and an improved infrastructure, are few prominent reasons for the development of the city into an industrial hub.

The beginning of industrial Pune can be traced back to 1960s. Since then, Pune has contributed substantially to the industrial economy. Recent surveys show Mumbai and Pune together make up 33% of the market share in the automotive industry. in the last 60 years, Pune has been building up as a single largest hub for German companies with over 225 German industries setting up their business units in and around the city.

With booming industrial area, Pune became a suitable ground for the real estate developers. From a daily-wage labourer to the white collared personnel, home buyers are versatile and so are their needs. Real estate in Pune is catching up fast with the industrial growth. Immense opportunities are at hand are still to be discovered by them. As of now, Pune’s real estate is an amazing amalgamation for both the investors and home buyers.

A leading real estate brand in Pune, Goel Ganga Developments have come up with a wide variety of offerings in prime locations of the city. Currently, the automotive industry and real estate are seeing progressive expansion, and the scenario is only expects to get better.


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