I’ve never yearned for much. All I wanted was very little. To lead a happy and blissful life, provide the best for my children and to see them grow into beautiful human beings. Most of my aspirations have been achieved, and my husband and I have now set foot into what should be our stress-free days – retirement. These are supposed to be the golden years after all.


After this thought, as I turned on the T.V for news, I came across a shocking incident. An elderly couple just about our age had been robbed of their possessions from their home. Here I was planning my days to be led happily but instead, I now feared for my life. Thankfully, just then my son, all grown up now, walked in with the keys for our new home. He said, he wished to settle in a place that had not only the perfect surroundings but also a very well guarded and secured environment. It was as if our problems and my worries were solved instantly. This home was indeed the house of our dreams.


Growing old is a major change, and it’s a time for senior citizens like myself, to start caring for ourselves. We need to be settled in a peaceful environment, one that keeps all of our worries at bay. So not only can we stop fearing for our safety but finally have that life of settlement and quiet that we want.


With senior citizen parks, relaxing areas and landscaped gardens, I can say that my son’s made the best decision by finding a home that actually cares for us. More than anything, I’m glad that such a residence has been thought of. It feels good for a change that I don’t have to worry about anything else. I have found a place that is caring, considerate and comforting, all at once.


Here, all my worries are taken care of. Now I have a home where I can be myself and live the rest of my life to the fullest. Thank You Goel Ganga for thinking about our needs!


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