DIY Home Decor Tips – Your Canvas With Four Walls

The only thing better than moving into a new home is when your creative lobe gets excited about decorating your cozy new space! If you’re thinking of hiring a decorator to do it, rest that thought. Get going with these fun DIY home décor tips:


1. Vinyl Wall Stickers: If you’re looking for some lovely wall art but don’t want to get your hands crafty then these stickers are just right for you. They’re easy to put on & changeable in case you get bored of them over the years.

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2. Fairy Lights: Don’t limit these beautiful dainty things to festivals like Diwali & Christmas. Hang them around your bedroom window, bed or mirror to achieve a cozy, romantic look.

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3. Wine Bottles: Love a good bottle of sweet wine? So will your living room.

Turn those simple bottles into classy vases or arrange them aesthetically on shelves for a subtle Mediterranean look.

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4. Painted Light Bulbs: Draw cool objects on a light bulb with markers for your child’s room. When the lights come on they’ll have a beautiful shadow portrait on their walls.

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5. Two-colored Cabinets: Instead of picking boring wooden laminates for your cabinets, get them painted in two different colors, a light color outside followed by a dark color inside.

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6. Tape Frames: Don’t spend much on fancy photo frames, instead grab those colored & patterned tapes to make uniquely shaped, vibrant photo frames to hold your priceless memories.

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7. Hang Your Sunglasses: Get rid of that last minute rush before you leave home with a simple sunglasses holder made out of clothes hanger. Go ahead and add your favourite scarf to it too – everything you need as you leave home, within easy reach!

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8. Cactus: Keep forgetting to water the plants? Here’s an easy solution: Add a pot of cacti to your living room against a light colored wall to give a touch of desert décor to your new home. You won’t have to water them very often either!


9. Movie Posters:  Frame your favorite movie posters or dialogues for your wall. This trick is inexpensive and will give your room a contemporary, artsy look.

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10. Fireflies in a bottle: Don’t go chasing actual fireflies. Just grab some fairy lights and stuff then down a jar or a sleek wine jar to get a dreamy look for your bedroom.

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To find the perfect, spacious & lavish residencies to execute these artistic home décor tips check out (Developers website).


A bright, happy home is one that reflects your taste – so get up and get decorating!


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