Gardening like many hobbies is easy to learn, fun to practice and an addiction that is hard to let go. The joy of being with nature, nurturing and loving it is something that words can seldom explain. To understand and experience it, you’ll have to cultivate an interest in it or witness someone doing it. Gardening is not only a great way to utilize spare time but also lowers one’s stress levels and helps you stay calm and composed. Nature has always had a very soothing effect on us, and gardening is a fun way to get the best out of nature by spending time with her. It is an extremely creative hobby and offers irreplaceable aesthetic and sensorial pleasures.


For every individual in love with gardening, his or her garden is often the most favourite place to be. The most beautiful thing about gardening is that any and everyone can easily master it. The only pre-requisite is that you must enjoy being out in nature.


Below listed are a few useful tips and tricks to master the art of gardening that’ll help you flaunt an enviable garden.


     1. Approach: The most crucial step is to decide what approach you would want to take for gardening. Take into account the total area of land you have and decide whether you want to opt for terrace gardening, ground gardening or indoor gardening.


     2. Soil Preparation: the next crucial step is to prepare the soil to plant the saplings, based on the gardening approach you decide.  Don’t forget to buy a pair of gardening gloves! If you decide to plant the sapling in pots, then ensure that you choose the pots based on the kind of plant the sapling will grow to become. Fill the pots with gravel or jelly to almost 1/4th. Fill the next quarter with sand. The next three-quarters of the pot must be filled with a soil mix containing red soil and organic manure in a proportion of 50:50.


     3. Sowing: Sow the seed superficially and not too deep into the soil. Lightly sprinkle the soil with water and wait for the seeds to germinate. Always avoid sowing too many seeds in one pot. Place the plants in an area that gets plenty of sunlight.  If you have planted plants like Cactus and xerophytes, then curb the temptation to overwater them.


     4. Remove Stagnant Water: Once you water the seeds the excessive water tends to seep through the hole in the bottom of the pots. If you have placed the pots on a saucer, then make sure you empty them often. Cover the soil with coconut husks to arrest the loss of water via evaporation.


     5. Compost: The shops are flooded with different kinds of fertilizers and compost formulas. However, we suggest you try making your own.  Take a pot, add some soil into it and to that add biodegradable kitchen waste like peels of fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc. Now cover it with a layer of red soil. Repeat this process every day. Stir it occasionally. After few weeks, you’ll notice a brown or blackish humus, which can be used as a fertilizer for your plants.


There are no particular rules for gardening. However, wash and clean your plants regularly so that they are dust-free and do not wilt and die. It is said that if you tend your plants with love and care, they respond too in a similar way and grow well. We hope the above tips help you turn into garden experts. Happy Gardening.


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