Punekars are lucky in so many ways! They’ve got a city that brings them the best of weather, lush green landscapes, fun & fulfilling lifestyle and many other things.

Let’s take a look at the 5 most awesome things about the city:

It’s called the Oxford of the East

Students from all across India (and even from other countries) come to Pune because of its incredible educational infrastructure. Many of India’s top engineering, medical, arts and commerce colleges are in Pune. Hence, the name – Oxford of the East

The dreamy weather

Pune is known for its pleasant year-round weather. The summers are pretty okay, but the monsoons are winters are simply incredible! No wonder Punekars take their afternoon naps so seriously.

Lower cost of living as compared to other metro cities

Regarding infrastructure, Pune is on par with many metros. However, what makes life here so much better is the fact that you’ll need relatively less money to maintain your current standard of living.

Rental prices for real estate in Pune are lower than most metro cities.

Rich Historical Influence

Yes, Mumbai has beaches (that are always crowded), but Pune has its own forts – lots of them! Pune city is surrounded by several mountain ranges with many forts and fortresses that have a deep historical significance.

Also, Pune was the capital of the famed Maratha Empire and the remnants of that time are still well preserved.

One of the safest cities in India

Pune has has an amazing nightlife supplemented by high security.  Here, women can be out alone at night which is not the case in many other cities like Delhi.


There are millions of other things that make Pune an amazing living destination, but you’ll have to come here and experience them yourself!

If you’re looking to settle down in this lovely city, then take a look at these incredible residences at Ganga Platino by Goel Ganga Developers


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