How can you manage your child’s education efficiently amidst the pandemic?

Child's Education

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the lifestyle has changed drastically all across the world. School closures, work from home and social distancing has impacted parent’s life majorly as it’s a lot to navigate for them. In order to stop the spread of the pandemic, schools continue to remain shut and hence students and teachers across the globe have shifted to remote teaching and learning.

Online learning is here to stay and will remain the primary means of education for quite some time. It’s a tough phase for parents but they are trying their best to provide a smooth transition from traditional classroom learning to virtual learning as a part of their Child’s education. If you are struggling with it too, here are a few ways which will help you to deal with the changes easily.

Set a regular routine for your child

Just like your child would follow a daily routine while going to a school, similarly set a daily schedule for them at home as well. It is best to have a regular wake-up time and bedtime similar to the one when they were attending school otherwise it can be hard to get back on track if your kids fall into late to bed and late to rise routine.

Set up a fixed place for their virtual classes

It is best to ensure a fixed setup for your child especially when they are going to spend several hours a day in front of a laptop. Ensure that the setup is quiet, comfortable and distraction free so that they can fully concentrate on child’s education. Also, the table and chair used by your child should also be comfortable for long sitting hours.

Establish a routine together

Plan a routine that incorporates age-appropriate education programs that can be followed online. Account for play time and time for reading in it. You can turn everyday activities into learning opportunities for them, and include them in your plans wherever possible. In these testing times, your children will require some level of flexibility, so establishing a routine and structure is absolutely crucial. If your child seems restless and agitated when you are trying to follow an online learning program, switch to a more active option. Just stick to their needs as much as possible.

Enjoy a leisure time

Apart from focusing on your child’s education, let your kids have a varied leisure time where they can enjoy watching television, books and other media. Some of the content in which they engage can be informative and uplifting, and a smaller portion of it can be silly or even funny. Make sure that a good proportion of leisure time activity is both mentally and physically active for your kids.

Talk about their progress

Takeout some time when they are free to sit together and discuss their progress. Ask them what they are learning in their class and if they are facing any kind of difficulties or challenges during the lectures.

Child's education during pandemic

Reduce their screen time

The major drawback of taking an online class is the increased screen time. Because of the absence of outdoor activities, your kids may engage in messaging platforms or play games online during an online class. It is important to make them understand the impact of excessive screen time on their health. Hence, remove the distracting apps from their laptop or smart phone and nudge your child to develop the habit of reading books for their well-being.

Stay connected with your children’s education facility

Stay in touch with your children’s teacher or school regularly in order to stay well informed and in proper guidance. Parent groups or community groups can also be a good way to support each other with your home schooling.

The times are tough and certainly not the time for perfect parenting or fixating over getting
everything done at once. Let’s brace ourselves to live with the new normal and arm our
children for the same.

At Goel Ganga Developments, we aim at providing knowledgeable yet practical education
facilities to the students which helps them in this ever-changing, tech-savvy, and digital era.
Our educational projects including City International School and Euro School Kharadi are
committed to provide quality education to students and strive towards their academic


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