How to choose the right office layout for your company culture

Over the years, businesses have evolved, be it the layout, amenities, and many such needs offered by offices. Unlike earlier times, modern-day workspaces have a lot to offer their employees. Employers are realizing that even a chair or the color of a wall can impact the productivity and performance of the employees. Studies have shown that the attrition rate is lower in offices where there are proper ergonomics, convenience, and privacy. Hence, with the growing work pressure, it is very important to take care of the office layout for a positive company culture.

Here’s how you can choose the right layout:

Floor plan and design:

It is important to design the workspace in such a way that offers a point of view of communication between employees. In the current work culture, teams collaborate together to achieve results more than ever before and they sometimes need breakout spaces or bigger rooms like a conference room to communicate. The conference rooms also demand modern equipment and other communication tools for the team members to be effective. Closed cubicle spaces are also disappearing from modern-day workspaces as they lead to isolation. For maximum productivity of employees, ergonomics is the key. The right kind of furniture also plays a very important role in the efficiency and comfort of the employees. Moreover, it’s good to keep wider corridors for easy movement as congested and stuffy offices degrade the productivity of the employees.


Many studies prove that the right kind of lighting reduces fatigue and increases the level of efficiency. It also brings cheerfulness and morale to the employees. Good lighting plays an extremely crucial role in supporting the moods of the employees. It’s important to maintain the right balance of temperature and light, especially keeping the weather outside in mind. A lot of light can also result in eye fatigue and other associated disorders so a healthy balance needs to be found depending on the location of the office. Therefore, efforts to reduce visual glare must also be made.


Colors can affect the mood of people both positively and negatively. Hence, it is very important to choose the right color of interiors for an enhanced mood and better productivity. In fact, the colors of furniture and carpets should also be planned according to the weather condition and the nature of business. Thus for a more creative space like advertising or designing, splashes of different colors and brighter shades could be more effective than for a space like banking where the color scheme should be more soothing like blues and greens.  Apart from these tips, it’s also important to accessories the space right by using more greenery indoors. Plants not only provide oxygen within the indoor setup, but they also bring positivity among employees.  If you’re looking for commercial shops for sale in Pune, Ganga Trueno is the place to be. Trueno is one of the best commercial projects in Viman Nagar that is designed for the modern-day work-goer who is looking for more than desks and computer screens. Here, the cutting-edge design combines comfort and functionality that is complemented by the right ergonomics so that you can have fun at work. The campus at Ganga Trueno comprises a combination of Retail Showrooms, Office Spaces, and Restaurants. Come awaken the spaces of your mind.


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