Supporting those Who Support Us – Pune Police Welfare Fund

Goel Ganga Developments and it’s Hon’ble CMD, Mr. Subhash Goel recently issued a donation to the Pune Police Welfare Fund to honor their efforts and tireless service.

With more than 8,000 COVID-19 cases in Maharashtra still on the rise, the pandemic is now showing little to no sign of fading away any time in the near future. However, in spite of such uncertain times, India stands strong and tall in the attempts to maintain positivity and morale.

From smarter waste management to simply following social distancing norms, citizens are holding their end of the bargain to the best of their abilities. Our duties don’t end here, as there are those who need the help now more than ever. Be it supporting house help, or making donations to support organizations working tirelessly towards the welfare of the needy, the nation is as alert and proactive as ever in showing our duty as human beings.

Not too many days ago, our Hon’ble Prime Minister, Narendra Modi requested the nation to express our gratitude to the hard workers who are ensuring our safety through acts like clapping and lighting lamps, which did light up the morale nationwide, indeed.

While the novel corona virus is now an immediate threat to the country, the unsung heroes of the nation – the police officers are taking the ever-changing situation in their stride and adding a bit of cheer as they do so. We at Goel Ganga Development hold the utmost respect and pride for these brave hearts. To honor their efforts and tireless service, Goel Ganga Developments and it’s Hon’ble CMD, Mr. Subhash Goel recently issued a generous donation to the Pune Police Welfare Fund. This support to the fund comes from the idea that while those working in the medical sector are saving lives, the police ensure that those medical workers are not overwhelmed by the mere surge of ever-growing cases.


Spreading the message of caution while remaining positive in such times is indeed, an act of bravery and Pune Police is setting a stunning example of it.

Goel Ganga Developments wholeheartedly support and participate in the betterment of the society. Be it providing grocery essentials to the labors, or lifting up those who have the potential by merely providing them with the means to success, we are at the forefront of providing for the improvement and prosperity of the nation.

In continuation of our commitment to the society, Goel Ganga Developments has extended a helping hand to the following organizations.


  1. Issued a generous donation to MASHAL. It is an NGO which helps in serving food kits to the deprived who purely are dependent on daily wages.
  2. Issued a generous donation to Panalal Bansilal, yet another NGO run by Abhay Chagged Ex-mayor, Pune.
  1. Donated grocery 250 kg of Rice & 250 kg of wheat through Pooja Kodre corporator in mundhwa area.
  2. Similarly 200 kg of Aata, 200 kg of rice & 69 kg of Daal given through MLA Ramesh Bagwe for distribution in Bhavani Peth area.

Our CMD has always believed in – Simplicity is service & purity is prayer. Let’s all Pray to the Almighty to give us strength and Courage to overcome the present crises.

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