Five Key Factors We Ignore While Choosing Our Home


While area, returns and status are all the first few Key home buying factors that come to mind while considering purchasing a home, there are a few more subjective aspects to this process which we may, at times tend to forget.


  • Natural sunlight is an important part of our lives and has control over our mental set-up as well as our physical wellbeing. Natural sunlight strengthens the immune system and boosts our energy levels, while providing our mental comfort and ease. On the technical and environmental side, it also saves on fossil fuel as it is preferred over artificial lighting in households, in daytime and so, for the best evaluation of a house it is always advisable to carry out site visits to any property during the day or in the evenings, to understand how much natural sunlight is received.
  • In some cases, societies have a system of a central cut-out of the building that is left open for natural sunlight to pour in and scatter evenly. It also acts as a source of cross ventilation. The advantage of this is that we tend to receive good light and air even if the spaces are not facing the same direction.​


  • The benefit of natural ventilation is that you get to breathe in clean natural air. This too boosts mental health of the family as well as that of growing children, which in turn helps shape their thought process. Further, the location of the residential project is very important when it comes to ventilation in terms of space, greenery and cleanliness of the area.
  • When we talk about ventilation, we must talk in technical terms to make the best informed decisions. The Stack Effect, as it is called, is the principle due to which the air flow is evenly spread throughout your apartment. In apartments with three sides open, this has a greater impact because more space is available for the air to come in and go out from the wind lanes.
  • Proper and ample ventilation also decreases the moisture in the air at home, which would keep things from decaying and also save on long term repair and maintenance costs for furniture. Also, the food we eat is also affected by the air around us, which is controlled by the ventilation available in our homes.​


  • Within amenities that are usually available in residential areas, there are two sub-categories: Essential Amenities and Non-Essential Amenities. While we can focus on the non-essential ones depending on our own needs, the essential amenities like water supply, security, parking space, play area, fitness area, medical services and elevators (especially for the elderly) are a must-have while checking potential localities and projects for livability.

4.Neighborhood Development

  • It is crucial to be certain and secure in the knowledge that not only is the area that you have narrowed down upon safe, but also indicates potential for development. The Neighborhoods we live in define our lives and also shape the personalities of young ones. Additionally, the crime rates in certain areas are a must to look into, to ensure safety and wellbeing of its residents.
  • Facilities like schools, kind of leisure and recreational activities as well as other commercial projects should be looked into while scrutinizing a certain area, as they could be the best indicators of what the future holds for localities.
  • The importance given to supermarkets, stationary stores, eateries and other miscellaneous set-ups is also a peek at the demographic, nature and scope of that locality.​

5.Structure Design

  • The inspection and study of structure design when looking for your home or investment project is that it requires a bit of prerequisite to know what you are looking for. At the very least, one should enquire about the insulation and space optimization in a home or commercial unit, as we live in a tropical country and require the best of both – space and cost.
  • Echoes tics also play a crucial role in the decision making of whether or not a property makes the cut. Needless to say, residents love their privacy, and while we live in the second most populated country in the world, we also tend to like our down time.
  • The cost of maintenance is another factor to be considered, as this acts as a phantom cost while purchasing the property itself. The frequency or requirement of maintenance should be looked into, as it speaks for the quality and thought that goes into construction processes.

What other Key Home Buying Factors do you think can make to this list? Do let us know in comments.


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