Learn How Father-Daughter Duo Disrupts Real Estate

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Goel Ganga Developments, a renowned real estate builders located in Pune, is now being led into a new era by Subhash Goel and his daughter Gunjan Goel, who happen to be an dynamic duo. Following four decades of success, it has come to be equated with trustworthiness and philosophy. Subhash Goel is known as prompt but honest in all that he does. His daughter Gunjan, however, brings in a different perspective by blending innovation with the core principles of the industry. They address real estate industry challenges such as sustainability or technological changes without compromising on customer satisfaction. A strong bond between Gunjan’s creative ideas and Subhas’s experience not only sustains the family legacy but expands its frontiers in real estate. This collaboration ensures that Goel Ganga Developments will continue to redefine industry standards for years to come.

Read More: Learn how the father-daughter duo is disrupting the ever-challenging real estate industry.

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